Electronic Signature for Surveyors

Applications and Submissions of Construction Investors with Electronic Signature

As a result of the progressing digitization process, starting from September 19th this year, construction investors have the possibility to generate documents for selected procedures through a dedicated platform. This platform integrates the generation of applications along with their submission, simplifying the online tender procedure.


The documents that are already available in electronic form include:

  • application for the transfer of a building permit decision,
  • application for the transfer of a decision on the resumption of construction works,
  • demolition notification,
  • notification of construction works,
  • notification of a change in the use of a building or its part,
  • notification of the intended start date of construction works.

In order for the mentioned documents to be admitted to the procedure, they must be marked with a qualified electronic signature or with the use of a trusted profile, and sent together with the required attachments. Both the investor and their authorized representative can submit tenders.

Geodetic Work Made Possible with Electronic Signature

With the entry into force of the regulation of the Minister of Development, from July 31st this year, electronic versions of documents that surveyors submit to the county office for their work have been introduced.


These are the templates and technical standards for geodetic works that were previously submitted in paper form, including:

  • technical report,
  • maps for design purposes,
  • maps for legal purposes,
  • submission of geodetic work, which is submitted by the geodetic contractor to the Chief Surveyor and to the county office.
  • submission of electronic enforcement titles
  • issuing certificates/documents by public administration authorities
  • access to geodetic resources

Each of the mentioned documents should be accompanied by an electronic signature and reported to the appropriate center for geodetic and cartographic documentation.